We are often called the “now generation” by those who see to look down upon us for the ease at which we live (an ease that I might add they enjoy as well). So what do you as a private business owner do in order to exploit all you can from this generation? The answer is, conform or die (and the choice between the two is much easier with a lack of moral standards). We are call the “now generation” because we expect instant results, and although this can cause problems, today I want to focus on how it can benefit you.
The internet has undoubtedly revolutionized the world. It has literally put the world at our finger tips and allows us to get results for what we want...now (maybe that’s where the name ‘now generation’ comes from). The internet is can provide your business with the leading edge above other companies who don’t use the internet. The best way to do this is to create a website for your company. A website will provide your customers and potential customers with a fast effective means of obtaining information about your company. This is not new however and virtually every company has a website (frankly you are almost not even considered a company unless you do have a website), but does the effectiveness of your website really matter?
Website effectiveness does in fact matter. The more professional the website the more professional the consumer will think you are. But looks aren’t everything; a good effective website for a business should be able to 90 percent of all company functions. Now I say 90 percent as a relative number. Obviously there are some things that a website will not be able to do, for example cook food, paint a house, and mow the lawn. Frankly to believe that is possible is just plain silly. So when I say 90 percent, we are assuming that means 90 percent of all functions that a website is physically capable of doing. What does this plainly mean? If you sale real estate your website should be able to do almost everything you can do. If you do stock market consulting then let your website do that. I could go on, but I’ll spare you repetitiveness of my words just to prove a point. (Please do not misunderstand me at this point in time. Just because your website can do everything doesn’t always mean you should do it for free. If you do it all for free then you wouldn’t have much of a business at all.)
Bottom line is your website needs to be effective. It needs to inform, offer the same service you do, and most importantly help you sell your product. That is the point of a website! It is a supplementary tool to increase your profit. It is an asset, something you invest in, and you expect that investment to pay off. So there are some simple things you can do to make sure that your website is effective. First make a list of all the things your website could do, then make a list of all the things that it actually does. The ration should be about 9 to 10 on this one. If it is not you might consider changing it a bit to make it easier for your website to help customers. Second you must tour your own website (and even have an outsider 3rd party do the same). You need to make sure your website is understandable. Sure it can do a lot, but if no one can figure out how to do it then what is the point. Keep it simple. Third, check the frequency at which your site is updated. There is nothing more annoying to a user than an out of date site. On a related not there is nothing more idiotic and tacky as a domain name that when accessed brings up a page that says, “This page is currently under construction. We will return by ‘x-date’.” Well of course it’s under construction. Every good website is always under construction. If it’s not then don’t waste your time with it. However by posting this you are only proving to the world that you have no idea what you are doing (and ignorance isn’t very professional is it?)
So to sum it up, effective websites contain three things: 1 – 90 percent of what the actual company does, 2- An easy to understand and navigatable website, and 3 – Is always under construction and update. Personally see to this and I promise that you will have a better, more effective website.
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